The XVIth ISCM is announced (NEW!)


The XVI-th International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms (XVth ISCM) will be held in Rehovot, Israel, during the week starting on Sunday, December 8th, 2019, at the Weizmann Institute’s Lopatie Conference Center.

The International Advisory Board members welcomed the invitation to hold this conference by Lili Anglister (Hebrew University), who established a local organizing committee that includes Hermona Soreq, also from The Hebrew University, Abraham Fisher, Israel Silman and Joel Sussman (Weizmann Institute), Dan Frenkel (Tel Aviv University), Jackie Schiller (Technion) and Ran Zichel (Israel Institute for Biological Research).

Invitations were issued to several colleagues world-wide, who, together with the Local Organising Committee, will form an expanded Program Committee, and to several new members to the IAB, whose names will be delivered soon.

Initial seed funding has already been received from the Weizmann Institute of Science, and we hope to continue funding effort with full force when we have assembled a list of 25-30 distinguished scientists in the cholinergic field (or, as Alex Karczmar would call them, ‘Cholinergikers’!), who have confirmed in writing their willingness to attend and speak at the meeting.

From Hermona Soreq, President of the International Advisory Board of the ISCMs, May 2017




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