Abstract submissionSubmission of abstracts and applications to young investigator awards are now closed.
Abstract submission and reviewing Thank you for considering presenting your work at the XVth International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms in Marseille. All contributions to the XVth ISCM conference and poster sessions will require the submission of an abstract.
Please ensure that you have appropriate permissions for the publication of your abstract from your colleagues and coauthors and the original copyright holders. Should you wish your abstract not to be published in the congress handbook, please notify us in writing to iscm2016@atout-org.com at the time of abstract submission. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee to insure that the following criteria are met:
Abstracts submitted as “Short lecture or Poster” will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee for selection of a defined number of short lectures (15 min, discussion included) in each session Abstracts submitted or ending as “Poster” will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee for selection of a defined number of “Poster highlight” presentations (3 min, no discussion) Authors of selected abstracts will be notified before the meeting.
Candidates wishing to be considered for a B. P. Doctor Young Investigator Award should identify themselves by clicking the appropriate box upon abstract submission and by sending their CV, a copy of their submitted abstract, and copies of their registration and abstract submission receipts to iscm@afmb.univ-mrs.fr Candidates wishing to be considered for a ISN or IBRO-PERC Poster Award should identify themselves by clicking the appropriate box upon abstract submission. Details on these Awards can be found in the subsequent section of the XVth ISCM home page. To receive a copy of your submitted abstract, please click on "email to myself" after submission is completed.