Young Investigator Awards and Grants

  Applications to these awards and grants are over!

The names of the 2016 Awardees can be found in the subsequent sections of the left menu.


B. P. Doctor Young Investigator Travel Awards

Sufficient funds donated by colleagues and family of B. P. Doctor are available to award up to eight B. P. Doctor Awards of up to US$ 1000 each. Funds are designated to cover travel, registration and gala dinner costs for young investigators attending the XVth ISCM and presenting their work as a poster or selected for a short talk. Young investigators are defined as undergraduate, professional degree or graduate students or as fellows in their first two years of a postdoctoral appointment. Awardees will be selected on the basis of their curriculum vitae and connection of their work with B.P. Doctor’s endeavors as judged from their submitted abstract. Particular attention will be accorded to achieving an international distribution of awardees and the availability of support from their home countries. The Selection Committee will comprise senior scientists knowledgeable in the cholinergic field. Awardees will be notified at least one month prior to the meeting. They will be celebrated on day 1 (Oct 16) and asked to present a 5 min max synopsis of their work on day 3 (Oct 18). Further details on the B. P. Doctor Award and 2015 Awardees can be found in the subsequent section of the XVth ISCM home page.

Candidates wishing to be considered for a B. P. Doctor Young Investigator Travel Award should identify themselves by clicking the appropriate box upon abstract submission and by sending their CV, a copy of their submitted abstract, and copies of their registration and abstract submission receipts to



International Society of Neurochemistry Poster Awards

International Brain Research Organization - Pan European Regional Committee Poster Awards

The funds provided by the ISN and the IBRO-PERC offer an opportunity for awarding up to four ISN and four IBRO-PERC Poster Awards of up to 500 each. Funds are designated as a compensation for registration and gala diner costs and incidental expenses by young investigators attending the XVth ISCM and presenting their work as posters. Young investigators are defined as undergraduate or graduate/professional school students or as fellows in their first two years of a postdoctoral appointment. Awardees will be selected on the basis of the scientific and visual quality of their poster and their ability to present their work to the other attendees and a Poster Contest Committee. The Poster Contest Committee will comprise senior investigators with complementary expertise in the various fields covered by the meeting. Awardees will be notified by the end of day 2 (Oct 17) and requested to present a 4 min max synopsis of their work during the dedicated session of day 3 (Oct 18), with the aim of prompting the audience to come to their poster.

Candidates wishing to be considered for a ISN or IBRO-PERC Poster Award should identify themselves by clicking the appropriate box upon abstract submission.


Lee's Pharm Holdings Ltd / Wah Kin Holdings Ltd Poster Awards


Late yet appreciated support from two Chinese companies allows us to grant several Chinese Young Investigators with Poster Prizes. The scientific and visual quality of candidate posters will be evaluated by our Anonymous Poster Selection Committee before or during the first poster session. The presenting authors of those posters that are elected for a Poster Prize will be notified by the end of day 2 (Oct 17) and requested to present a 4 min max synopsis of their work during the dedicated session of day 3 (Oct 18), with the aim of prompting the audience to come to their poster.


Tebu-Bio Travel Grants for young investigators (6 grants of 400 €, next application deadline October 5, for the October 7 draw)

(For your information only - not organised by us - yet let us know if you apply!)



Cell Signaling Technology Travel Grant for young investigators (1 grant of 1000 €, application deadline August 7, winner to be announced in August)

(For your information only - not organised by us - yet let us know if you apply!)





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