Proceedings of the XVth ISCM (NEW!)


Proceedings of the XVth ISCM are published in J. Neurochem. in August 2017 as a Special Issue entitled "Cholinergic Mechanisms" and edited by Israel Silman (Guest Ed) and Pascale Marchot and Marco Prado (Associate Guest Eds), see

This issue gathers a pool of 17 mini-reviews and one origial article submitted on invitation, formally reviewed by external referees and accepted by the Editorial Committee.

The Proceedings also contains 96 abstracts which the authors have formally accepted to publish and which the Editorial Committee reviewed for typos and langage. (The remaining 55 abstracts, out of an author commitment, are not published.)

The Editorial Committee warmly thanks: Jörg Schulz, Chief Editor of J. Neurochem., for having accepted to host these Proceedings; the authors who accepted to contribute a mini-review or their abstract; the referees who accepted to review the mini-reviews; and the Wiley people who put all this together.


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