Numerical report on the XVth ISCM (NEW!)


The XVth ISCM welcomed 188 attendees, of which

Women 81 (43%), Men 107 (57%), Young investigators (PhD students, or postdocs in their first 2 years) 43 (23%), Accompanying persons 2, IAB members 17 (of 24) and 1 former IAB member.

Most of these attendees were present during the five days of the symposium.


24 countries were represented, of which

Australia 3, Austria 2, Brazil 1, Canada 5, China/HongKong 9 (5%), Congo 1, Croatia 2, Czech Rep 15 (8%), France 57 (30%), Germany 13 (7%), Greece 1, Iceland 2, Israel 10 (5%), Italy 6, Japan 4, Mexico 1, Poland 1, Russian Fed 8, Sweden 4, Switzerland 2, Turkey 1, Ukraine 1, UK 5, USA 34 (18%).


145 attendees made an oral presentation (, such as:

  • 16 other attendees (mostly young people, but a few seniors as well!) presented Poster Highlights (3 min). This session was very dynamic and appreciated.

Of the 56 short talks requested, 52 were provided (93%!)

Ca. 90 posters were posted: most of the 38 selected speakers also had posters, and we had 52 “posters only”. (But none of the 38 invited speakers had posters)

Two group pictures were taken, which can be downloaded from and

185 pictures have been sent by attendees and can be reached through (

Many appreciation messages were transmitted orally during the meeting

45 appreciation messages were sent by attendees (


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